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2001-11-14 / 8:17 am
catch and release

pisces n 1: the twelfth sign of the zodiac; the sun is in this sign from february 19 to march 20 [syn: pisces, pisces the fishes] 2: a large faint zodiacal constellation; between aquarius and aries [syn: pisces] 3: a group of vertebrates comprising both cartilaginous and bony fishes and sometimes including the jawless vertebrates; not used technically [syn: pisces]

...the fish had such glaringly wicked teeth and their mouths were open making an offering of them....but i knew their ferociousness was not meant for point of view always seems to be one of spectator, but taking advantage of this inaction i could discern more than you...i observed the absurdity...on my skin i felt the last gasp of air coming from a fish mounted high up upon the wall, its skin an oulandish dream-like purple...

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